Runtime Flow blog (Understanding a control flow in a running .NET application)

March 7, 2010

More monitoring examples

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sergey Vlasov @ 10:10 am

I’ve successfully tried Runtime Flow on two more applications – Logic Circuit and Cropper:

Logic Circuit startup

Logic Circuit startup

Cropper shudown

Cropper shudown

March 6, 2010

Understanding a complex codebase

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sergey Vlasov @ 5:31 am

“We’ve inherited a very complex codebase and only 2 out of 6 members understand the flow in detail. How can we improve the groups knowledge, where do we start? We’re talking 10s of thousands of lines of code broken into 2 main projects. The code itself is difficult to understand, contains alot of Delegates which makes the Debugging a nightmare.” It is a very good example of the problem I want to solve (original message in Visual C# Forums). I was personally involved within a group inheriting 2 large projects in the last 2 years and I can attest that manually tracking control flow is very time consuming if sometimes possible at all.

Another example: “It became clear to us that there was a common pattern among all interviewees: The most painful and time consuming part of the development process wasn’t writing new code, but understanding existing one. In a large organization like Microsoft, source code moves across several developers, and sometimes they need to go back to what someone wrote few years ago to comprehend it and add a new feature. Without access to the person who originally wrote that code, it was a pain task.”

A solution that I’m working on is a real time function call monitoring. Like Process Monitor only for code and presenting the calls as a tree:

A call tree for Paste copy command in SurF

A call tree for Paste copy command in SurF

Clicking on a function in the tree navigates to its implementation in Visual Studio. Another way to describe the proposed solution is a use case based code navigation view.

I have a (slowly) working standalone prototype for monitoring .NET 2.0-3.5 32-bit desktop applications. The above screenshot was made for SurF File Manager written in C++/CLR. I plan to present a downloadable alpha with Visual Studio integration in a month.

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